For any of our ministry groups, please contact our parish office by phone 905-387-3550 or by email at
lease note that you do not need experience. Some volunteer positions require a police check.
We are always in need of Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Ushers/Greeters, Hospitality, Decorators and various other positions.



A deeper level of commitment involves considering not just “What can the Parish do for me?” but also “What can I do for my Parish?” One of these ways is with your talents and abilities: there are ongoing ways and “special events” in which you could help.
Jesus said: “I came not to be served, but to serve!” Hopefully each of us can say the same! Let us all serve together. This is your parish, your spiritual home.

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SOCIETY of St. Vincent de paul - sts. peter & paul conference

Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Sts. Peter & Paul Conference is currently a small group of caring individuals who work very hard to help those in need in our community. They provide emergency assistance to people in our parish boundaries through food, clothing, comfort and where appropriate, spiritual guidance. If their needs are beyond what they are capable, they will assist to connect them with the resources that may meet their needs.
Visit the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Hamilton website

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childrens’ liturgy

Sts. Peter & Paul Parish children’s liturgy is held every Sunday at 10am Mass from September to June. The program is ideal for children ages 4 to grade 2. They hear the readings in a format they will understand, say some prayers and receive activities relating to the readings and gospels for that Mass. We thank our volunteer leaders and their assistants for providing this ministry to our young people in our congregation.
No registration required.